Trade marks databases

In databases you can search registered trade marks as well as trade marks filed for registration.

Trade marks database of the Estonian Patent Office 

The database contains the data of trade marks registered or filed for registration in the Republic of Estonia and international trade marks valid or filed for legal protection in Estonia under the Madrid Protocol.

The database is updated once a day.

The data available in the database is informative and does not have legal effect. Search results do not ensure the registration of trade mark and are not binding on the Estonian Patent Office in processing the trade marks. The data of the registry and the notifications published in the Trade Mark Gazette have legal effect.

For specifying the data and getting duplicates or print-outs from the Register of trade marks, please contact the Registry Department.

Some of the data appears in the database a little later than others, therefore an image may be missing from the displayed data, concerning applications filed during the last month. In connection with the conversion of EUTMs into national applications, the list of goods and services may be missing from the data of those applications for some time, but the numbers of classes can certainly be found. The list will be entered after submission of the translation into Estonian.

A browser supporting JavaScript is required for the use of the database.

   Search in ESTonian trade marks database 

Trade marks database of Estonian Patent Office

eSearch plus - EUIPO search tool

Trade marks are valid in European Union as whole, so also in Estonia!

A common search tool for EU trade marks and designs, which contains besides information on applications and registrations also information about relevant legal practice and representatives.

eSearch plus


A search tool developed in cooperation with EUIPO, WIPO and national offices of different countries enabling to carry out searches in the databases of the national offices acceded to it as well as the databases of EUIPO and WIPO. It is recommended to carry out the search before filing a European Union trade mark application, because earlier national trade marks of member states of European Union may become an obstacle at its registration.


WIPO databases

Global Brand 

Madrid Monitor 

Last updated: 17.06.2022