Patent Searches

27.11.2007 | 00:00

The Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation has decided that the patent searches performed earlier by the EPO within the European Patent Network would be performed by the national offices, incl. the Estonian Patent Office, since 1 September 2007. Read more in Information from the EPO of 4 July 2007.
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The Estonian Patent Office performs standard and special searches. All fields of engineering are covered. The searches are performed both in Estonian as well as English.

Fees of Patent Searches
Standard and special patent searches:

1. Conducting a patent search (minimum fee for 1 hour) 
40 EUR/an hour
2. Compilation of a search report
30 EUR/a search
3. Compilation of the commentary of the search report
(minimum fee for 1 hour)
55 EUR/an hour 
4. Copies of the (found)document
0,25 EUR/a sheet
5. General expenses

The official daily rate of the Bank of Estonia is the basis of the exchange rate of Euros into Estonian kroons.

If you wish, please contact, phone 627 7910, fax 631 4104.

The Estonian Patent Office